(not) not my dissertation

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Twi-fucking-light Zone  

Coworker #1: (dropping his pen, then a piece of paper) Jeez, I've been dropping stuff like this all weekend. (jokingly) (!?) I must have M.S.!
Me: (choking on my gum)
Coworker #2: I know. I always think of the worst case scenario when I do stuff like that!
Me: (still trying to swallow down the offending gum and trying desperately/bitterly to sound nonchalant - failing miserably) Well, that's not like, the worst case scenario.

Who the fuck are these robots?
"oh jeez, i just bumped against the wall, I must have parkinsons disease!" "oh, well, my muscles aren't looking so hot lately. I must have scleroderma"

These are funny funny jokes.

(i swear to GOD the above 'conversation' happened today, without editing. That pretty much seals the deal on the whole "to tell or not to tell" dilemma, don't you think?)

posted by J at 12:04 AM


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